How am I supposed to teach that?

Where do I find resources for this lesson?

They’re changing the curriculum again?!?

If any of this sounds familiar then you’re in the right place.

It seems the world of education never stops changing, and it never slows down. Between the meetings, grading, planning, and teaching the days fly by.

You’re left with the feeling that there are not enough hours in the day for ALL THE THINGS. And for every one item you check off your to-do list, two more things always seem to get added. How will you ever catch up?

But know this…you don’t have to feel this way, and you don’t have to do any of this alone!

You can decrease your workload without sacrificing your effectiveness. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

I’ll share tips and tricks that make classroom learning more fun and engaging, and I’ll help you tackle some of teaching biggest challenges. If “teamwork makes the dream work” then this is your team!